What we've been up to so far this year
By jason
March is nearly over and this is our first Blog entry for the year. Things have been very busy and we're making excellent progress both in technological advancements, and with the growth of the company.
For those of you that have been with us for a while know that the majority of our efforts and focus is on servicing the customers that we have, instead of sales so this post will serve to both show our current customers what we have been up to, as well as provide new information for those that are not yet our customers.
So far, here are some things that have happened in 2011:4 Additional Servers Added to Our Primary Shared Hosting Cloud
Hiring of Additional Support Engineers
100% Uptime Achieved This Year as of Writing This Post
Product Tour Video
Major Website Updates and Home Page Re-Design
TWO Major New Services LaunchedWith the updated website we now show two additional levels of services which are the Cloud Web Servers, and Cloud Web Clusters platforms. We created a video which explains all of our services in a simple but straight forward manner. Check it out if you haven't already.
Your success is our success which is why it was important to offer these higher levels of Cloud Hosting services. As your business grows know that you are with a provider that can grow with you. Some things that are planned for the near future include things such as the following:
Cloud Engine Refinements and Higher Service Offerings
More Blog Postings
Large Scale Private Cloud Migration For a High-Profile Website With Full Public Review and Case StudyStay tuned for further updates and some helpful articles that will be coming soon. 2011 is turning out to be a banner year and we greatly appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm.
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"Cloud Web has been a fantastic web host for our Church. We have been pleased-plus with all contacts and service. I could not hope for a better group to be associated with. Thanks for all you do for us."