About Us

Mission Statement

Cloud Web will work towards its goal to become a complete Web Hosting solutions provider for consumers, small, and medium sized business's utilizing Cloud Technology as one of our infrastructure foundations. We will endeavor to provide our clients with the latest technologies available to build, manage, and promote their online presence without sacrificing the top-notch level of service and support we have achieved over the past 12 years.

Who We Are

Cloud Web is a member of the Innovative Scaling Technologies Inc. Web Hosting family. Innoscale provides high-end hosting services such as Managed Hosting and Virtual Private Data Center services. This gives us the buying power, flexibility, and infrastructure to truly provide you with a top-notch Shared Web Hosting solution. Since 1999 we have been offering Shared Web Hosting solutions to our clients and have been built on the foundation of "customers make the business". Cloud Technology became a large portion of our primary business so we have completely reworked, and re-launched our Shared Web Hosting offerings exclusively operating under our owned infrastructure as Cloud Web. We have always listened to all of our customers' needs and consider them as opportunities to expand our business offerings. Also, by taking part in various public communities we strive to help others by providing not only excellent service, but helpful information to the general public as well.

Our Data Center

In December of 2002 we made one of the most important decisions in the history of the company with moving to Ashburn, Virginia, which is about 30 miles west of Washington DC. With the rapidly changing economy we felt it was best to move into a facility that would surpass the needs and expectations of our company. Equinix provided us with secured, private cage space to move our equipment into, and we were given direct access to over 100 tier1 and 2 ISPs to purchase bandwidth from directly. The Tier IV Data Center with redundant, and fault tolerant, power and cooling path's provide us with the highest levels of reliability, and an optimum working environment. Combination biometric hand geometry readers, encrypted databases, visual confirmation, and password protected server cabinets and cages ensure only authorized individuals gain access to Cloud Web's equipment. Equinix Data Centers are home to some of the most prestigious names in the industry today.

Our Network

We have also chosen nLayer to be our primary bandwidth provider. We are directly connected to multiple gigabit, and 10 gigabit Internet backbones via 2, fully redundant, 1000Mbps fiber optic links, via 2, fully redundant Juniper switches. Another advantage of choosing Equinix and nLayer is that we are 2 hops, and less than 1ms away from over 30 other providers that nLayer is directly peered with in this facility which decreases the time it takes for a packet to reach its destination, and increases the reliability of the connection. nLayer has continually proven to be an excellent choice for us over the past several years.


"I have had 4 business websites running with Cloud Web at different times & have only wonderful praise for their excellent service & commitment to their customers. I am confident that my sites are up & running 24/7 & never have to worry about downtime. When I have a question, any question, they are more than happy to answer quickly & in languages that I can understand. I can & do highly recommend this company to all my friends."


— Cheryl Sturm, www.penntownship.biz

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