May 2010
By jason 3 comments
Unlimited is not unlimited, but overselling is not overloading
You see it everywhere. The all you can eat buffet, unlimited cell phone plans, unlimited movie rentals, and just about every industry has in some way, shape, or form, UNLIMITED! The big benefit to this is the ease-of-use provided to the customer. No one wants to be bothered with the trouble of reaching the limits they are provided with, so unlimited provides an opportunity to create a sense of simplicity in products to allow the customer to focus on other things.
Posted In: General
By jason
The first post
Being the first post, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about the history of the company, what I've learned, and why I am making the decisions I am with making Cloud Web what it is. Believe it or not, there are still customers here that have been here for all 12 long years so this post is especially for them.
Posted In: General
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"As a home-based, freelance writer, my website is occupational oxygen. Without it, I'm dead. I'd been through several unsatisfying and downright aggravating hosts before I found Cloud Web. Not only have they saved me lots of money -- $20 a month -- they are, like oxygen, so reliable I take them for granted. I only wish Cloud Web could run my cable, my DSL, my phone and other technological aspects that are constantly intruding into my working hours. Cloud Web's the best."